Tuesday, December 18, 2012

home for the holidays

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 I cannot even begin to explain to you how excited I was as I drove up the driveway to the familiar farmhouse on the hill. I cannot even describe the excitement that was flowing throughout ever inch of my body when I finally saw the friends I hadn't seen since the summer. Our screams and shouts left no one in doubt of what had just occurred when we hugged and jumped around. If you asked me to tell how I was feeling in that moment, I wouldn't have an answer. Seeing these people who know me so well, these people I've known for years now... I was beyond excited. I was equally excited to see my family. They are what makes "home" home. Hearing kids running down the hall way and jumping on my bed to wake me up in the morning, is just pure happiness. I know these next few weeks of christmas break will go by so fast. Now more than ever I wish I could slow down time, but I'll take what I can get. The partying is just getting started. Here's to a phenomenal christmas break.


photo set: christmas break.


  1. such beautiful pictures. <3

    Rachel Nicole


  2. Aww, welcome home. Your friends look so fun.:)These pictures are phenomenal!


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