Friday, June 1, 2012

from noon to ten

51 degrees and clouds covered the sky as the rain fell. I arrived at grandma millers house just as the rain began to become more than a drizzle. Krista, Kaylee and I spread out around the living room. Books, pens, computers and blankets covered the floor as we worked while the rain fell outside. 
Later we took a break and made a coffee run because, of course, we had to try out the new vanilla bean syrup. (Which is heavenly by the way). We tweeted, we laughed, we worked hard on our daily tasks. When 5:00pm hit the clock I was at work, drinking more coffee and eating pizza delivered to me by Kaylee. After the coffee house was closed up for the night, Krista and I brainstormed exciting ideas. It was the perfect end to a rainy day. 


  1. looks like a fun rainy day. ;) i love it when it rains; it makes everything smell so fresh, and it's a great time to cuddle inside and read with a cup o' tea. ;) beautiful pictures, Marissa.


    ps-i'm hosting a giveaway at my blog! come check it out! :)

  2. I love this!! Your pictures never cease to amaze me! =)

  3. I <3 rainy days.. especially with YOU! :)

  4. 51 degrees... brrrrrrr. That's freezing.

    Yeah, I'm obviously an arizona girl- i hate cold. ;)

    but rain... i do love rain. :)

  5. your photos are so pretty. and i love the good-night one :)

  6. Your photos are beautiful!
    It was almost 100 degree's here on Monday, and now today, Friday, its a mere 51.

  7. these are so lovely! sounds like a great day :)

  8. fun photos and it sounded like a great day!


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