Monday, February 6, 2012

2:20 on monday

"There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea." -Henry James

This afternoon:
We had cups of coffee and hot chocolate.
We watched blimey cow's newest video.
We managed to completely cover the table in books and papers.
We worked on homework and read pages in books.
We looked out the window at the cloudy day.
We took out the iphone and played games.

What did you do this afternoon?

p.s. if you haven't already, check out my sister's newest project // An ordinary utopia 


  1. ha. that picture of mallory. and that bilmey cow video. and our table. We're pretty cool.

  2. lol on that blimey cow video. and that little girl is the sweetest.
    today i listined some more things in my etsy shop, ate a taco, and... yep, that's pretty much it.
    gotta go. i need... i mean want to make more jewelry. have a lovely day!


  3. lovely post! Sounds like a great afternoon!

  4. Hello there! This post was really cool! I really like posts about ordinary life and such. :D Also, I love your newish header and the subtitle "a journey of stories." Really cool!

  5. Lovely photos! And can I just say that blimey cow is one of the greatest things ever to happen to youtube? ha! ;) Great post!


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